当前速读:Chaozhou Pavilion showcases 500+ exhibits at craft expo.
2023-05-28 07:35:41 来源:凯迪网
On May 26, the 3rd China Arts & Crafts Expo kicked off in Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province. More than 1,800 exhibitors, including nearly 1, 000 masters and craftsmen, participated in the expo with about 100,000 exhibits.
Among all the exhibition areas, the Chaozhou special pavilion is very popular. National and provincial arts and crafts masters from Chaozhou brought more than 500 works in about 20 categories, such as Chaozhou embroidery, Chaozhou porcelain, and Chaozhou woodcarving and more, showing the attraction of Chaozhou as "the Capital of Chinese Arts and Crafts".
Chaozhou Special Pavilion: "Traced back to Song dynasty, Thousands of years of Chaozhou crafts"
With the theme of "Traced back to Song Dynasty, Thousands of years of Chaozhou crafts", the Chaozhou special pavilion is divided into different areas according to the themes, including "the Capital of Chinese Arts and Crafts" image exhibition area, "World Hometown of Gongfu Tea Culture" experience & exhibition area, "the China Porcelain Capital" exhibition area, woodcarving exhibition area, and comprehensive exhibition area.
In the image exhibition area, Chaozhou Pavilion combines Chaozhou"s arts and crafts with the scene of "Gongfu Tea narration" in the theme "Han Garden". The area is decorated with "Prosperous Ancient China", a nearly 7 meters wide and 2.5 meters long three-dimensional double-sided screen in Chaozhou embroidery, as the background, with hand-pulled teapots made by zhuni (or red clay) and other Gongfu tea sets placed on the table.
On the shelves on both sides, there are exhibits like the hand-pulling teapot "first see", the hand-painted hanging plate "Watching Waterfall", Dawu Clay Sculpture, Chaozhou colored porcelain, kiln change porcelain and so on. On the first day of the expo, the "Han Garden" area became a popular photographic site for social media.
Numerous exhibits show Chaozhou characteristics
Chaozhou wood carving is one of the "four major Chinese wood carvings". Gu Liuxi, a master of Chinese arts and crafts, brought works featuring crabs and lobsters inside a fishing net in single-layer gold and three-layer rosewoods. A finishing net that is only a few tens of centimeters tall carries a wonderful aquarium world in it and shows the ingenuity of Chaozhou woodcarving inheritors.
Also, different kinds of zhuni hand-pulled teapots with delicate handicrafts representing one of Chaozhou"s intangible cultural heritage depict poetic stories in the glass cabinets.
In addition, Chaozhou embroidery attracts audiences to appreciate its unique cotton wool cushioning skills, while Dawu Clay Sculpture shows strong Chaozhou cultural characteristics with the dynamic shapes of the characters to reproduce the opera story scenes.
Enhance the influence of "the Capital of Chinese Arts and Crafts"
According to reports, practitioners of the Chaozhou arts and crafts industry participated together in this comprehensive authoritative expo with their high-quality masterpieces showing the latest skills and achievements to compete for the national award of the arts and crafts industry. Their participation aims to boost the popularity and influence of "the Capital of Chinese Arts and Crafts", and encourage colleagues to create better works.
"Chaozhou"s exhibits have a variety of categories including woodcarving, Chaozhou embroidery, Chaozhou Colored Porcelain, and so on are very distinctive, and I am full of expectations for high-quality development of Chaozhou"s arts and crafts," said Dai Zhi, Chief of the Guangdong Arts & Crafts Association, expressed the hope that craftsmen in Chaozhou will continue to inherit, innovate, and promote the outstanding Chinese traditional culture.
“山水宋城 千年潮艺”打造潮州专馆
潮州专馆以“山水宋城 千年潮艺”为主题,分为“中国工艺美术之都”形象展示区、“世界工夫茶文化之乡”体验展示区、“中国瓷都”陶瓷展区、木雕展区及综合展区。
“潮州的参展作品类别多样,木雕、潮绣、潮彩等都非常有特色,我对潮州工艺美术等高质量发展充满期待。”广东省工艺美术协会会长戴智表示,希望潮州的工艺美术匠人继续创作,传承创新,更好地推广和发扬中华优秀传统文化。(更多新闻资讯,请关注羊城派 pai.ycwb.com)
文、图丨羊城晚报全媒体记者 蚁璐雅 通讯员 苏志颖
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