中国经济2023开局良好 服务业增速加快
2023-04-20 14:25:29 来源:凯迪网
Consumers go shopping at a shopping mall in Kunming, southwest China"s Yunnan Province, Jan. 1, 2023. (Photo/Xinhua)
China"s economy grew faster in the first quarter of 2023, with a strong service sector and robust consumption driving the rebound and market expectations improving significantly despite multiple challenges.中国经济在2023年一季度增速加快,尽管面临多重挑战,强势增长的服务行业和消费推动了经济的复苏,抬高了市场期望值。
China"s gross domestic product (GDP) grew 4.5 percent year on year to 28.5 trillion yuan (about 4.14 trillion US dollars) in the first three months, data from the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) showed Tuesday.国家统计局4月18日的数据显示,今年一季度中国国内生产总值28.5万亿元,同比增长4.5%。
The pace accelerated from a 3-percent GDP growth for 2022 and a 2.9-percent increase in the fourth quarter of last year.相比2022年国内生产总值3%的增速和去年四季度2.9%的增长幅度有所提升。
"China"s national economy made a good start this year, and market expectations saw significant improvement," said NBS spokesperson Fu Linghui at a press conference.国家统计局新闻发言人付凌晖在新闻发布会上表示,国民经济开局良好,市场预期明显改善。
"In the first quarter, China secured a smooth transition in COVID-19 prevention and control in a relatively short time," Fu said.付凌晖称,一季度实现疫情防控较快平稳转段。
A recovery in the service sector, which contributed 69.5 percent to overall GDP growth in the first quarter, is a bright spot of the economic operations during this period, said Fu.付凌晖指出,服务业恢复向好是经济运行中的突出亮点,对一季度国内生产总值增长的贡献率达到69.5%。
The value-added output of the service sector rose 5.4 percent year on year in the first three months, with rapid expansion in contact-based industries from travel to catering.一季度,服务业增加值同比增长5.4%,旅游、餐饮等接触型的服务需求加速释放。
The accommodation and catering sector surged 13.6 percent year on year in the first quarter, in sharp contrast to a decline of 5.8 percent in the fourth quarter last year.一季度住宿和餐饮业同比增长13.6%,与去年四季度下降5.8%形成鲜明对比。
Market vitality increased, with railway and air passenger volumes up 67.7 percent and 68.9 percent, respectively, in the first quarter compared to the same period in 2022.市场活力趋于增强,一季度铁路、民航客运量同比分别增长67.7%和68.9%。
Tuesday"s data also showed retail sales of consumer goods went up 5.8 percent year on year in the first quarter, reversing a decline of 2.7 percent in the final quarter of last year.4月18日的数据还显示,一季度,社会消费品零售总额同比增长5.8%,上年四季度为下降2.7%。
"These improvements show domestic demand has gradually expanded and consumer expectations have improved," Fu said.付凌晖指出,这些增长显示出国内需求逐步扩大,消费预期有所改善。
Other data showed that the value-added industrial output increased by 3 percent year on year in the first three months, and fixed-asset investment went up 5.1 percent year on year in the first quarter, according to the NBS.国家统计局的其他数据显示,一季度,规模以上工业增加值同比增长3%,固定资产投资同比增长5.1%。
Looking ahead, Fu said growth in the second quarter is likely to be significantly faster than in the first quarter.展望未来,付凌晖指出,二季度经济增速可能比一季度明显加快。
But due to high comparison bases, growth might be slower in the third and fourth quarters than in the second quarter, Fu said. The economic growth throughout the year will likely trend upward without considering the base effect.付凌晖称,三、四季度随着基数的升高,增速会比二季度有所回落。如果不考虑基数影响,总的来看全年经济增长有望呈现逐步回升态势。
China has set a GDP growth target of around 5 percent for 2023. The International Monetary Fund last week projected that China"s economy would grow 5.2 percent in 2023.我国2023年的国内生产总值增长目标为5%左右。国际货币基金组织上周预测,2023年中国经济可能将增长5.2%。
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